venerdì 2 dicembre 2011

phisical behaviour

I believed to see the future, but there is nothing to see, or to belive.

I have only observed the picture of the world and its waves, every day, non-water waves.

Time by time, the fate is judging us through the history, with the same rules for the same game, repeating.
Stop the game to Stop the rules, imposing new ones.
You can do it with the soul and senses, but if you don't do it you could be un-prepared.
Wake up, something is speaking us.

I hear only the Inner Voice singing me the same song, every day louder.
Every day changing my-self, cutting the daily hypnotic trance.
Telling me: "I'm coming, help yourself".

It could be enough, a phisical behaviour to improve our perceptive position: train your brain.

Would we be prepared?

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